Hari Om, This is a quick review of the topics we discussed on 12042022.
The BMI Chart
We reviewed the BMI (Body Mind Intellect) chart, gifted to us by Pujya Gurudev.
This is a crisp categorization of our personality - both on the matter & spirit aspects.
For more information, please watch this 6-min video by Pujya Gurudev, where he explains the BMI chart, in simple terms.
Some key highlights:
Our original identity is NOT the Body, Mind or our Intellect. We are none of those.
The Body, Mind & Intellect are the tools that we use to transact and operate in this life.
We assume different roles when we use these tools. Just like we are a driver when we drive a car, a chef when we cook, a handyman when we fix some issue at home; we are the perceiver, feeler and thinker when we use the B, M & I respectively.
All these equipment receive and derive their power from the supreme Om which pervades our entire personality.
The main entity that makes one person different from another is the Vasana layer.
Due to our many likes, dislikes, passions, aversions, habits, etc - the complete brilliance of the Om is sometimes 'diluted'. It is as if someone has put a thick blanket over a bulb of light.
Enter Canto 5 & 6

Rishabha Avatara
We saw the story of Rishabha-Dev, an avatar of Lord Vishnu. He was the grandson of Priyavrata. Rishabha-Dev was a great king. In fact, the purpose of Rishabha-avatara was to show the world of men that a man can be a king, be surrounded by wealth, luxury and yet be like a Sannyasi.
Rishabha-Dev was a true role model and he gave his parting message & teaching to all his sons. We discussed the importance of a role model in society. The 4 role models in our life are: Mother, Father, Guru & Raja (King/Politician).
Rishabha's teachings can be listed as follows:
The body is not for enjoyment alone. The rivers offer water for others; Cows give milk for others; Trees give their fruits for others. Similarly, we should use our life to come of help to others.
Reflection and contemplation on the divine should be the primary goal & purpose.
Our mind can be our enemy or an ally.
There are 2 paths available to us - The Path of Salvation (Shreya) or the Path of Sense Pleasures (Preya).
The Path of Salvation involves Satsang, Service & Surrender (to the Lord).
The Path of Sense Pleasures involves exhaustion of the BMI, worldliness & material enjoyment.
Through our daily chores, activities & tasks, remember the Lord & be in Satsang.
Some additional points on the 2 paths:

Bharata / Jadabharata

We then looked at the touching story of Bharata, who had to take several births, after getting attached to a little deer. Bharata was the son of Rishabha-Deva and was also a great king. In fact, India gets the name 'Bharat' from this great king.
He renounced the kingdom and was happily settled in the forest, near Haridwar. Constantly thinking of the lord, immersed in devotion, Bharata was in bliss.
His encounter with the baby-deer was to change his life. Due to his intense attachment with this innocent one, he forgot and neglected his daily duties towards the lord.
We saw that in our life, this deer takes the form of our children, grandchildren, family members, etc. The lesson is that we should give DUE attention to these bonds; not UNDUE attention.
Since his last thought was that of the deer, Bharata was reborn as a pious deer in the next life. This deer was in constant company of sages and eventually dropped its life. The third birth was as a son to devoted parents.
Due to his general aloofness, he was called Jadabharata (the one who is lifeless). In the final episode, Jadabharata meets King Rahugana and shares the highest knowledge with him.
Some important highlights of that lesson are as follows:
It is the mind that takes us and entangles us in Samsara.
Samsara is a state where the afflicted one suffers from one or more of the 6 mental diseases. The 6 mental enemies are Kama (Desires), Krodha (Anger), Moha (Intellectual Delusion), Lobha (Greed), Mada (Vanity/Pride) & Matsaryam (Envy/Jealousy).
We should learn to discipline the mind. The best & easiest way is to focus on the feet of the Lord and dedicate all actions, words & thoughts to the Supreme.
Through constant relentless practice, we should try to conquer & grow out of our desires.
Resources to Reflect
Srimad Bhagavatham Canto-Chapter Map:
This link provides the list of all the Cantos, Chapters & Topics within Bhagavatham. This should be a handy guide to help us navigate thru this voluminous text.
Chatushloki Bhagavatham (Core 4-Verses of Bhagavatham):
Here is a link to all the 4 verses from the Chatushloki Bhagavatham. Also is included a link to the audio recording.
Hari Om !!
(ganeshk76@yahoo.com | 412-916-8780)